Abstract Presentations

You must consult your personal area of the website, in order to verify the type of presentation which has been assigned to you.

Oral Communication

The time for presentation is 7 min for presenting and 3 min for discussion. Please do not exceed the time to avoid delays in the conference program.

The presentation's layout is available bellow. The intern pages of the layout are only a suggestion. The participants are free to change them. We recommend at maximum 10 slides.
The file must be sent until 10 October 2018, through your personal area of the website. Presentations sent by email or after this date won't be accepted.

We don’t recommend the use of online programs for the presentation.

Regarding logistic issues, it's not allowed the use of the powerpoint presenter viewer (with notes). The participants must bring any support they consider necessary (paper, tablet, pointer, etc).
The communications must be presented by a max. of 2 authors. Presentations with more than two authors won’t be considered for the certification.

If you are interested in the possibility of virtual presentation, please inform the organization.
Each person can submit up to 3 abstracts (Oral Communications and/or Posters)

Download here the presentation layout:



You must consult your personal area of the website, in order to verify the type of presentation which has been assigned to you.


There won't be Poster presentations. The posters will be fixed in a common area, during an entire day, where the authors can be close to the poster in order to discuss it with other participants.

Poster's layout is available below. Posters which doesn't use the official layout won't be accepted

Format/mesures: Printed in A0; 1189mm height X 841mm width

The authors are totally responsible for the Posters affixation and removal, and they must comply the schedules which will be available soon.

Let's Talk About Ageing organization has a poster printing service (cost: 20€), if you're interested, please contact us: ageing@eventqualia.net

Download the poster layout:

It's mandatory to use A0 measures



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