Michael Bol


Architect Molenaar&Bol&VanDillen architects, owner of Dementia Village Advisors and chairman of the Conceptbuilders


'As an architect Michael Bol creates custom living environments for elderly people with dementia. No big anonymous buildings, but instead manageable and pleasant residential areas. Where it is comfortable for everyone to live. Where residents feel safe at home, connected with family, caregivers and healthcare providers.

One of his most famous projects is The Hogeweyk - NL: common recognizable and familiar building blocks are designed, organized en built from a social approach. Look at day to day life and create conditions for the residents so that they are challenged by recognizable incentives to remain active in daily, precious life. Small groups residents with shared interests and backgrounds live together in a lifestyle-group. The design and decoration of the homes and surroundings is tailored to the lifestyles. Michael is convinced that his holistic approach matters for people who care and that his process of co-desiging can make a difference for the residents, family, caregivers and healthcare providers.'

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